About Us

At first it was just an idea that slipped into the middle of the conversation, but as time went on it came up more and more often. We should set up a theme shop
If you spend all day developing websites for clients and use Genesis Framework, over time it becomes increasingly difficult to find the right theme. You’ve used all the ones you like in several projects, haven’t you?
But… Gutenberg, Full Site Editing… Is this really the best time to do it?
Why not? We believe that the best time will never come, and we still need designs and tools for our projects.
We’re really excited about the evolution WordPress is going through and we’ll be following it closely to adapt our themes, block or pattern collection or whatever, to what turns out to be the best option for you, and for us, „web makers”.
„At the core of many massive, profitable, global companies is an old idea executed exceptionally well.”
Our Team

Nahuai Badiola
Web developer and consultant, I invest my heart (and hours) working towards a more sustainable web using WordPress and Genesis Framework as my most precious tools.

esther solà
Web developer for 15 years, mother of 3, I work daily with WordPress and Genesis Framework.
I absolutely enjoy the moment where design and development come together.

I’m the support of the team, a key piece in the gear of the company, very active, involved in the project and demanding with the results.
… And in knowing all you know at this point, would you pursue the project all over again?